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"I dream of a quiet man who explains nothing and defends nothing, but only knows where the rarest wildflowers are blooming, and who goes, and finds that he is smiling not by his own will." -Wendell Berry, from II, Sabbaths 1999, in Given: Poems
I am one of a diverse group of friends who believe that "God is in the sharing" (Neem Karoli Baba). We practice nonharm, loving-kindness, care for all life, and devotion to God. We believe that all life is Divine Creation - made of God, sustained by God, & filled with the Beauty of God. Therefore, all life is sacred and please help us to honor all life forms as best we can. Earth is our Heaven, and the "Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke). As Mother Teresa said: "Make every act something beautiful for God." We pray for everyone who visits these sites, & beyond.
Blessings & love to you all.
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Jai Ma.